Terraria Mods Wiki
Logo (Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod)

Welcome to the Official Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod Wiki,

the best place and way to find information about the mod

Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod[ | ]

Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod is a mod that adds ascendium and (will be added in the next updates) descendium items. In the next several updates we will add more biomes, bosses, items, and post moon lord content. The mod is new and many new things will be added soon! The mod is planned to be completely remade in Terraria 1.4.

Latest Versions
Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod
Latest Version

For the full version history, see Version history.

Wyvern 1 (Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod)Bosses
Hardmode Bosses

Ascendium Bar (Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod)Items
Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod/ArmorArmor
Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod/BarsBars
Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod/BlocksBlocks
Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod/MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod/OresOres
AHarpyBox (Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod)Mechanics
Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod/BuffsBuffs
Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod/DropsDrops
Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod/MusicMusic
Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod/RecipesRecipes
Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod/Status MessagesStatus Messages
Arso's Cosmos And Chaos Mod/Vanilla changesVanilla Changes