Terraria Mods Wiki
Limus Dominatus
  • Limus Dominatus item sprite
Stack digit 1
Damage160 (Melee)
Knockback7 (Strong)
Critical chance4%
Use time12 (Very fast)
TooltipThe Dominion of Slime, legendary warhammer of the Slime Race. It is said to be created alongside the first slimes, which is to say, during the beggining[sic] of relevant time.
RarityRarity level: 11

The Limus Dominatus is a post-Mind God Broadsword that fires an image of itself which explodes into a stationary orb of primordial slime on impact with enemies and releases 4 more copies of itself in random directions that home in on the original target.

Crafting[ | ]

Recipe[ | ]

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Limus DominatusLimus Dominatus
Ancient ManipulatorAncient Manipulator
Weapons (List):

Revanchist (Pinkymod) Melee weapons • Godslayer (Pinkymod) Ranged weapons • Idol of Cthulhu (Pinkymod) Magic weapons  • Daemon War Banner (Pinkymod) Summon weapons • Arch Aerolet (Pinkymod) Thrown weapons