Terraria Mods Wiki
Splinter Shot
  • Splinter Shot item sprite
Stack digit 9Stack digit 9Stack digit 9
Damage4 (Ranged)
Knockback1 (Extremely weak)
RarityRarity level: 0

Splinter Shot is a type of Bullet used by Guns that splits into 3 shortly after firing. Since the splintered bullets separate at away from the original shot, it must be shot at specific distance to score all three hits. Should the bullet impact with something before splitting, no extra bullets will appear.

Crafting[ | ]

Recipe[ | ]

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Splinter ShotSplinter Shot (15)
Work BenchWork Bench

Notes[ | ]

  • Since the Splinter Shot separates after a certain amount of time rather than distance, guns with high velocity must be fired from a greater distance for optimal damage.
  • The two splinter bullets created deal 66% of the original bullet's damage.

History[ | ]

  • 1.0: Introduced.
WeaponOut Mod: Capacitor (WeaponOut) Weapons • Discordant Shades (WeaponOut) Armor • Heliosphere Emblem (WeaponOut) Accessories • Camping Tent (WeaponOut) Tiles